Application Development

The measures to restrict circulation in spaces and public roads implied new routines in the daily life of the population and accelerated a trend that was already being felt: digitalization. To help residents and residents, Municipia launched a tool that allows digital, safe and intuitive...

With our country becoming increasingly digital, public administration services are forced to keep up with trends, rethinking how their services arrive, maintaining proximity to residents. With this digital growth in mind and the benefits that digital tools bring to Public Administration services, Municípia gathered in a...

In a valuable location, you don't live or work, you live the territory.. To assert itself as sustainable, but above all to be recognized as sustainable is the goal of decision makers, technicians and citizens who share the territory among themselves. The location where they are...

In 20 years, we have continuously improved and fine-tuned our processes to reach, today, the availability of a centralized Platform for digital solutions that, through the common location element, allows the citizen to access services without leaving home and the municipality to guarantee the provision...

Focused on providing speed, security and reliability, in this dossier dedicated to the remote public service, Municípia presents you with 9 technological solutions to manage your municipality. At Municípia, we develop a set of solutions based on Geographic Information technologies, which guarantee the same availability of...