21 Jan Municípia, S.A. is proud to announce its presence at the 17th National Congress of ANAFRE – National Parish Association
Municípia, S.A. is proud to announce its presence at the 17th National Congress of ANAFRE – National Parish Association – on the 24th and 25th of January, at Portimão Arena. The XVII National Congress of ANAFRE will take place under the motto: “Parish: Closer and more supportive. More Decentralization!”. In addition to providing the meeting between the holders of positions in the local power structures, the congress will focus on the debate on the current issues that parishes face, namely regarding decentralization and future strategies. This is the second time that the Algarve city has hosted the congress, in 2011 Portimão was the city chosen to host the national congress of ANAFRE. The solemn opening session of the congress will take place at 5 pm on Friday, 24 January. The closing session will take place on the 25th at 6:30 pm. See the full program here: Program