Fast and accurate modelling of large areas of territory, through:
Is the basic raw material that we use in the execution of cartography and orthophotomaps, studies for agricultural and forest management, calculation of volumes, planning of communication routes, monitoring of electrical networks and supporting engineering projects.
It is through Digital Terrain and Surface Models that we support our hydrological analysis, flood modelling, power line planning, network monitoring, environmental resource management, quantification of forest volumes and biomass and urban planning.
We produce 3D cartographic bases of quick access and easy interpretation, as well as certified vector cartography through:
We produce maps with thematic information like the relief, hydrography, vegetation, buildings, communication routes, networks and administrative limits, promoting the spatial relationship between these objects. Certification by Public Authorities is always possible.
We provide a visual geographic base, easy to interpret, that support you in the first decisions of territorial management, land recognition and classification.
We reproduce real 3D models of great quality and detail of structures, buildings, monuments, or works of art without affecting their integrity. The purpose of this technology is to mitigate risk in heritage management, support architectural projects and animate 3D visualizations of a specific area of heritage or architectural interest.
We have a low-cost geographic data acquisition technique, based on sensors installed in a vehicle, allowing video recording and georeferenced laser surveys of the road network and urban furniture.
The perspective of collecting information for integration and exploration in a Geographic Information environment brings the possibility of searches using geographic criteria and the production of spatial analyses that generate value in fine-tuning management processes.
We survey the necessary information for Network Management and Regulation, allowing the identification and resolution of non-conformities, in the shortest time and most surgical construction intervention, the recognition of critical conservation areas, the view of connection points to the supply and treatment stations and the planning of expansion or maintenance investments.
We have gathered in a single base of organized and structured information, whose reference unit is the building, the physical, descriptive, legal, tax, valuation and / or devaluation aspects, in order to provide the information support for the actions in the field of Planning and Territory Management.
We have gathered in a single base of organized and structured information, whose reference unit is the building, the physical, descriptive, legal, tax, valuation and / or devaluation aspects, in order to provide the information support for the actions in the field of Planning and Territory Management.
We carry out the survey of cable paths and ductwork in the underground for several purposes. This service aims to support excavation works and underground interventions, detailed and special sectoral plans, cadastral surveys of infrastructure and underground planning and ordering, as well as emergency plans.
We are certified leaders in this sector, both in handling and registering the work pieces. Only by this way can we guarantee the quality of our results.